M y Story

My name is Nina Champagne, I am a Dental Hygienist professional by weekdays and an entrepreneur candle maker by weekends. I started exploring candle making as a hobby and became to love the process. What I did not know was the depth of envelopment it takes to produce a wonderful candle. On my journey of candle making, I had discovered that candle making is a science that requires math, hence my saying math + science = candles. When I started this exploration, I knew that I wanted to produce a safe and nontoxic candle for everyone to enjoy. I became in love with soy wax because it is a long-lasting clean burning material. However, I quickly learned that soy is one of the hardest waxes to work with, but this did not stop me. I was determined to produce a great candle using this material which took me a year and a half. Now, that I have succeeded and I am ready to share this with the world. Now, I am a southern girl from Louisiana, and I wanted to display that in my candles; therefore, I have named all of my candles after something of the south or a southern saying. Also, just to have a little fun I have embedded the Louisiana symbol somewhere on each of my decorative candle labels. Some might say that I like to have a little fun, and why not let everyone in on that fun, so happy hunting for that symbol. God has giving me this wonderful opportunity to grow and share my achievement with all of you. I hope this bio gives you a little insight on who I am and what I want to achieve, but I cannot do this without your support so thank you and have a blessed day.

Math + Science = Candles